有人向我的pkuer.net 讯价
就做了个 url转发到我的blog 这几天我的blog一直有很稳定的每天七八次来自美国的访问 让我很奇怪,看了下注册sedo的那个信箱,居然有下面那封信 第一次遇到讯价这种事情,向各位大大请教 1,这封信是不是系统自动发的? 2,sedo 的最低交易价格是多少 3,我应该还价多少呢,一个net 域名,我不想把他吓跑 下面是讯价信: Hello, I'm interested in your domain name listed for sale. Can you drop me your desired price? If I can afford it I'll reply. By the way, did you receive offers from other buyers? I run a software development company. Selling & buying names is not my main business. Just another way to invest money and make additional income. Please keep our correspondence confidential. Best regards, Sarah Ludwig Ph. D. President Tough Tech Consulting |
thanks very much!
发件人 : sludwig@toughguy.net
Received: from muan.mtu.ru ([]) Received: from firstbroker (ppp129-54.dialup.mtu-net.ru [])by smtp.MTU.RU (Postfix) with SMTP id A0A01379F36for <Guestvirus@Msn.Com>; Thu, 14 Jul 2005 17:44:57 +0400 (MSD)(envelope-from sludwig@toughguy.net) Hello, I'm interested in your domain name listed for sale. Can you drop me your desired price? If I can afford it I'll reply. By the way, did you receive offers from other buyers? I run a software development company. Selling & buying names is not my main business. Just another way to invest money and make additional income. Please keep our correspondence confidential. Best regards, Sarah Ludwig Ph. D. President Tough Tech Consulting ============================================================================ NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. =========================================================================== 哈哈, 我也收到了..... |