我原本是afternic的會員 但只是註冊了一段時間多沒利用它作什麼買賣 最近想搞幾個網名出來試賣 再登入時卻告知會員資格已過須再繳費 我也繳了19.95了 也收到他們的回信 主旨: Receipt for Payment - Thank you! This is a receipt for your credit card payment to Afternic.com. Date: 2005-09-08 07:09:25 >姓名、地址等個人資料多沒錯 You can review your statement with Afternic online by visiting: https://www.afternic.com/statement.php Thank you for your business! Afternic.com 7 West Main St Ste 800 Apopka, FL 32703 Email: service@afternic.com -- What's the latest? www.DiscussNames.com 但是到現在我按下"賣"鍵登入時它還是會顯示 Your membership has expired. Renew your membership today and receive 10 free Bazaar Bucks good for selling names on Afternic's new wholesale auction, the Bazaar. 是不是哪個動作沒作到呢? 2....................................................................................... 在pool.com登入賣網名後 pool會mail一封確認信 我該不該回應他們作遷移的動作呢? 是不是每個在pool賣的網名多必須遷移過去呢? 主旨: Verify listing for taiwanxxxxxx.com 完全表頭 詳列附件 Attention: xxx@mail.xxx.com.tw Re: Transfer of taiwanxxxxxx.com Namescout.com has received a request from POOL.COM DOMAIN MARKETPLACE on 9/12/2005 for us to become the new registrar of record. You have received this message because you are listed as the Registered Name Holder or Administrative contact for this domain name in the WHOIS database. Please read the following important information about transferring your domain name: - You must agree to enter into a new Registration Agreement with us. You can review the full terms and conditions of the Agreement at http://www.Namescout.com/termsandconditions.asp. - Once you have entered into the Agreement, the transfer will take place within five (5) calendar days unless the current registrar of record denies the request. - Once a transfer takes place, you will not be able to transfer to another registrar for 60 days, apart from a transfer back to the original registrar,in cases where both registrars so agree or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs. If you WISH TO PROCEED with the transfer, please go to the URL specified below to confirm (note if you do not respond by 9/26/2005, taiwansightsee.com will not be transferred to us). If the link does not work, please copy and paste the URL located below into the address line of your browser. https://www.namescout.com/VT.asp?TR=5459300xxxxx If you DO NOT WANT the transfer to proceed, then don't respond to this message. If you have any questions about this process, please contact our Customer Service department Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (EST) via email at service@namescout.com or via phone at 613-768-5140. Sincerely, Customer Service Namescout.com
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暈倒... 一想到要寫英文信就傷腦筋 感謝bean的回應
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但我最擔心的是我不會寫詢問的英文信 每次多麻煩哈拉兄 真的有些不好意思了
因該是你的電腦Session出了問提, 或Afternic的session 沒有聯好.