whois.sc 改版為 DomainTools.com 之後,舉辦 logo 設計比賽,贏的人有 Silver Membership 一年。mmm... 如果有免費的 XML API 一年無限使用更好。
http://www.domaintools.com/logo-contest/ To help kick off the new site, we want a cool new logo. And who better to design our logo then one of our users. 1) Name Intelligence Staff will pick the winner. 2) One year of Silver Membership to the winner, value $149. 3) Any feedback we give an artist will be posted on this page for everyone to see. 4) Authors give permission for all images submitted will be posted on the contest site. 5) Winning contestant will be asked to submit orginal source file, and logo will be property of Name Intelligence. 6) Rules are subject change. 7) Height will be no higher then 50 pixels. 8) Width will be no wider then 250 pixels. May the best artist/user win! Email logos to info@nameintelligence.com |