煩請大大幫忙 因為Dreamhost怪怪的 我設定好將gps.tw的MX指向到Gmail for your domain 但是 在三天後 Dreamhost居然又幫我改回原設定值 害我現在 gps.tw 的信件都無法使用 又跑回到 Dreamhsot.com 請問大大 Gmail的那個MX要設什麼?? 因為我忘了把他記下來 而Dreamhsot居然回覆說 他沒注意到!!
| http://www.esu.tw/ | http://www.doctors.tw/ | http://www.gps.tw/ | | http://www.palamon.com.tw/ | |
Configuring Your Mail Exchange (MX) DNS Records Mail eXchange (MX) records are entries within the Domain Name System (DNS). These records identify servers that handle email for your domain name. To use Gmail for your domain as your email service, you'll need to modify your MX records to point to Google's mail servers. (These records often are set to use your ISP's email servers.) If you are currently using distinct email addresses at your domain (rather than a single catch-all email address), you should create user accounts in Gmail for your domain for each address before changing your MX records. Otherwise, email sent to those addresses may bounce. Each ISP has slightly different ways to change these MX records. Check out our instructions for changing MX records using some common ISPs. * GoDaddy.com * NetworkSolutions.com * Enom.com * 1and1.com * DreamHost.com * Yahoo!SmallBusiness * DynDNS.com * Other ISPs |
![]() 引用:
要加入以下 MX 記錄(共 7 筆), mx ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. 10 mx ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. 20 mx ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. 30 mx ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. 40 mx ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. 50 mx ASPMX4.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. 60 mx ASPMX5.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. 70 欲知相關心得, 請參觀我的部落格吧, : ) 網址: http://www.hjfrank.net.ru/index.php?...y060717-234529 |
終於稿定了 呵呵
| http://www.esu.tw/ | http://www.doctors.tw/ | http://www.gps.tw/ | | http://www.palamon.com.tw/ | |
不好意思 另外請問一下 我申請後約12小時 他寄一封標題為
[Google Hosted Services for olgclub.com beta tester invitation] 的信 請問這是通過了嗎? 或是要等收到標題為 [Gmail for yourdomain beta tester invitation ]的信才正式通過 因為我在要開立管理者帳號時.一按建立就顯示找不到網頁 已經1天了還是一樣 |
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