Opera CEO says DotMobi is a 'total waste of time'
----------------------------------------------- http://blog.scifi.com/tech/archives/..._ceo_says.html In a casual chat here at SCI FI Tech's mobile-Web-browsing labs, Opera CEO Jon S. von Tetzchner (pictured above) came out swinging against the DotMobi domain, calling it a "total waste of time" and "completely unnecessary." You may be wondering: who is this guy, what's the DotMobi domain, and why should I care about any of this when I've got tacos on the brain? Well, smart guy, if you've got a hankerin' for some Mexican while out and about, the first thing you're probably going to do is look for Tex-Mex places on your mobile phone or PDA. That means you'll fire up a mobile browser like Opera Mini to do your searching. Now, the folks at DotMobi (a.k.a. ".mobi") think that every website should have a streamlined version for mobile browsers (since they're typically limited by low bandwidth and small screens), so instead of surfing to ohmaniwouldlovemesometacos.com, you'd go to ohmaniwouldlovemesometacos.mobi. Von Tetzchner thinks that's stupid. He told me that the site and the browser should work together to present Web content optimized for whatever device you're using. "There should be one Internet," he says. "What if you're using another device? Should we have .gameconsole? .car? .fridge? .plane? We don't need .mobi at all." Besides, he says, "There are capabilities for sites to query the browser to figure out exactly what you're using. That's a much more elegant solution than having the user choose which site to go to." Makes sense to me, though I'd give von Tetzchner more points if his company's browser had more than 1% market share (have you used Opera lately? Has anyone?). But Opera does come preinstalled in plenty of mobile devices, so he has some cred on this specific subject. We prefer his take, since it passes our simplicity test: Technology should make things simpler, and .mobi just gives you one more thing to worry about. It's like a guy trying to sell you a small glass because sometimes you want to drink less water. Dude, when that happens, I just won't put as much in. — Peter Pachal |
之前我也提過,有些網域後綴,就像 .car 一樣,根本是多此一舉,畫蛇添足。 .INFO 稍微有點兒意思。.NAME 勉強說得過去,雖然,實際上,依照人性,即便是個人,也希望用 .COM,看起來比較偉大。 除此之外,.COM, .ORG, .NET 之外的其他 gTLD,機會其實不多。 |
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