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利用Adword廣告導入流量到sedo的padking網址 結果半天下來 Adword不到80NT SEDO居然已經4歐元了 怕有違規行為所以又關閉 不知道這樣子做算不算違規 但是心癢癢的 |
a320567#163.com QQ:601937742 |
看 Google 的規則是沒違反.
Sedo 的重點在 點看的人 有沒轉換成交易 ... 看來似乎並非不可吧 ?! |
謝謝指導 .... 照這麼說. 的確是不行的囉 ...
謝謝 !! ![]() |
http://www.dnforum.com/showthread.php?t=200866 As outlined in our parking terms and conditions, our parking program can only accept natural traffic. Redirected traffic or traffic from any paid sources such as link exchanges or promotional services and software is not accepted. For further reference please see: http://www.sedo.com/about/policy.php...uage=us#link53 Monica To provide clarification, the primary purpose of Sedo's parking program is to provide accurate traffic data for use in conjunction with Sedo's marketplace. This way, potential buyers of domains will have accurate traffic records of domains when making an offer and can subsequently make their offers. Of course, accruing revenue off of a parked domain is an added incentive to our parking program and one of the main reasons that so many people choose to park their domains. Redirecting traffic from a website or domain to a parked page is against our policies as not only is this skewing the traffic stats for potential buyers, but it's also increasing the potential of a user monetizing on unnatural traffic. Hyperlinking to a parked page on myspace, a blog, personal site or any other developed site is not allowed. We also don't support paid traffic, including sponsored search results, email programs, pay per click (PPC) programs, paid to read programs, or any other sort of solicitous emails or features that draw traffic to domains. We really only encourage type-in traffic to a parked page, as this will ideally lead to the highest click-through-rates. We also can accept traffic from organic search engines. This excludes paid promotion for a sponsored search result. Although we understand that some domains are subject to expiring traffic from a once developed website, we have ways of detecting this, and users will often not be penalized if we track that this is where the traffic has derived from. Monica
Affiliate is much more interesting than domaining 歡迎和我聯係~~~ PM me or QQ 58038969 想要作弊的請勿打擾! ![]() WhyPark 如果通過我訂購WhyPark的服務,我將送10USD給你 |
Google Adword顯然是paid promotion的一種,所以是不被允許的。
如果很想用Adword的話,可以自己做minisite再用Adword打廣告,實際上這也是國外Domain Parking的一大發展趨勢,只不過需要的時間和精力比停放要多,我自己一直想develop 很多minisites,就是沒時間,唉
Affiliate is much more interesting than domaining 歡迎和我聯係~~~ PM me or QQ 58038969 想要作弊的請勿打擾! ![]() WhyPark 如果通過我訂購WhyPark的服務,我將送10USD給你 |
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1.如果你的minisites内容都是很特異性的“高價”内容,比如關於loan、money、business之類的,那麽可以選擇Google Adsense,吸引來高價的廣告,而你自己用Adword打廣告的時候選擇低价,用低價換高價。國外有不少這樣的例子,但是我一直不太明白:如果Google Adsense未能成功提供高價廣告,而是更加低价的廣告,那麽怎麽辦?這類站點應該對SEO等有比較強的認識才能做好。 2.加入PPS(Pay Per Sale)的Affiliate,特別適合于你的域名含有相關關鍵詞的情況,比如***shop.com,那麽你就可以加入賣***這種產品的Affiliate,利用他們的RSS Feed把你的站點做成廣告站點,每次點擊都直接引入到他們的銷售頁面,而PPS的利潤分成一般是5%-10%,都是比PPC利潤高很多。使用較低的PPC價錢去Adword打廣告,如果有適當的轉化率促成最終sale,那麽你通過PPS的收入將是很可觀的。 大家可以看看自己的停放頁面,上面顯示的廣告,特別是那些網址很奇怪的廣告,很多都是這兩种網站打的廣告。對於只了解停放的domainer來説,這簡直是災難!(注意到點擊單價有時候甚至會低至0.02歐元嗎?這就是這類站點給大家的)做Adsense的站長們注意到這種問題,而他們可以通過設定拒絕這些廣告,但是我們不行,我們無法控制什麽樣的廣告不准在我們的頁面出現。我曾經向Sedo提出過解決這個問題,但是他們閃爍其詞不回答。我們怎麽辦?只能是自己逐漸地把自己的停放站點develop成自己可以控制的minisite!但是,我的時間、精力...... 當然,也不能完全說得那麽悲觀,因爲按照Google Adsense For Domains的規則(類似于Google Adsense For Content),在停放頁面上,高價廣告出現的幾率還是比低价廣告要高的,這也就是爲什麽0.02/0.03歐元的廣告並不很多,而我們有時候也能夠欣喜地看到10歐元以上的點擊。 希望我說清楚了這個問題,大家也可以隨時提問,共同探討。
Affiliate is much more interesting than domaining 歡迎和我聯係~~~ PM me or QQ 58038969 想要作弊的請勿打擾! ![]() WhyPark 如果通過我訂購WhyPark的服務,我將送10USD給你 |
我有一個域名, 以前曾經是網站(流量主要來自香港), 但現在park到sedo, 12月park了大約15天已經賺到$300+ sedo前幾天電郵跟我說域名的流量有問題, 我回答說域名曾經做過網站, 但網主沒續期所以我將域名做parking, 然後他說暫時沒問題(注意, 是暫時) 我想升級到sedopro, 你認為好嗎? 升級到sedopro有什麼好處? 有什麼方法聯絡你? MSN? |