But first of all, I need a proof that our price is fair. I hope you understand the importance of this question. Usually, people who are selling names or web sites, provide buyers with appraisals. This is a common practice and I'm not going to change this rule because it's the best way to protect an investment. I heard many appraisal companies often made inaccurate appraisals. So I cannot accept appraisal from each and every site. I will only accept appraisals from independent appraisal companies I know and trust. Reading responses from experienced sellers I was impressed by one reply: "Many Internet users are not smart enough and popular domain brokers are using this fact to make money. They offer them cheap appraisal services. But if their customers would have something in their heads they'd understand experts could not make a professional research for $15-$20. These appraisals are made by machines. Easy money for such appraisers as http://www.Afternic.com and several other major brokers that offer cheap auto-generated appraisals. In my eyes, all services under $60-$65 are not manual and the results are generated by special scripts. I don't trust auto-generated appraisals." The same is true for GoDaddy and SEDO. Their services are not manual. They are just collecting money using their well-known names. Thank you for understanding. I'm looking forward to do business with you. 真不知道他會到第幾封才會死心 已經按照網友提供的回應方法, 他還是繼續互動下去XD |
this is 詐騙電郵嗎?
雖然都是要估價 但沒有提http://www.allfordomains.com/appraise.asp Do you sell the name only without web site? I'm interested in the name so web site is not so important. Do you have an appraisal certificate for your domain name? Domain name is an investment for me. In other words I'm going to sell your name later and make a profit. If I overpay I won't be able to make a profit in the future. It's very important for you and me to know the current market value of your domain. Of course, we must be sure that you are engaging a reputable appraisal company. I heard many appraisal companies often made inaccurate appraisals. I will only accept appraisals from independent sources I trust. I heard some appraisal companies often made inaccurate appraisals. To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies in a forum http://domaintalk.ourplace.com/Archive/261947.htm Just check this posting. If the appraisal comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. I also hope you can give me 10% - 15% discount of the appraised value. After I get an appraisal from you we'll continue our negotiations. How do you prefer to get paid: www.escrow.com, www.PayPal.com check or wire? Hope we can come to an agreement fast. Looking forward to your reply. |
.. 願意花幾千美金買網域, 因該不在乎花幾十元美金當自己的保障吧 對方繼續虎濫就知道是騙子了 |
謝謝。。。。。。。。 |
Hello, We are interested in nuhi.org Your name was listed for sale. Please let us know your price. Our works in information technology industry. Our clients are mainly from Europe, Australia, USA and Canada. So investing in names is just a part of our investment strategy. Looking forward to do business with you. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Regards, Anthony Norris President TNG Services ============================================================================ NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. =========================================================================== |
是詐騙還是真有人要買啊... ![]() 是我一個.info的域名. 以前也收過很多類似樓上的.第一次收到這個有開價的說... 引用:
++Jun Fancy++ 在幻想與現實之間.. ●++稜鏡之森++Prism Forest++ ●Ayano's Style Test Forum-綾乃的風格測試站 ●私の気まぐれな世界 |