我有 xxxxxxxxxx.com 這個 domain, 最近收到....
I'm the owner of xxxxxxxxx.net. I would be interested in obtaining the url, but not sure what price you are looking for. The blog is my hobby, so I don't have a bunch of money I can throw towards it. Let me know how much you could get for it at auction, and I would see if I'm interested. 我也未想到回個什麼價錢, 所以在 DNForum 也開了個 Auction post... 結果過了好一些時間 (其實還沒一天), 就只有 TheWatcher 一人 PM 我說出價 $30... 考慮到 xxxxxxxxx.net 只是個不怎麼專業的 blog, 流量似乎也不太高, 回 $50 左右大概合理吧? 此篇文章於 2007-03-17 10:25 PM 被 nickyeahyeah 編輯。 原因: Google的搜索結果竟然是前3頁, 還是把關鍵字刪了比較好.... |
$50 很合理,略低,idolreview.net在我看来很专业。
此篇文章於 2007-03-16 02:06 AM 被 owntag 編輯。 |
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