Holy shit 是大概怎樣的語意呢?!
用翻譯軟體只能翻出「聖潔的 shit」的意思 ![]()
"很差的意思" ---------------- 找到這個 "Holy shit" is quite a unique term. It is one of the most satisfying exclamations of surprise that can be uttered, as long as it isn't overused on trivial events. It's a way to come to grips with the fact that something surprising or extremely fucked up just happened. It is a vulgarity which may be inserted into an unusual situation which allows the utterer to express just how surprised he is at whatever is going on. It's quite a curse, and will probably conjure up various blasphemous images if it's meaning is contemplated. (God shitting? A priest blessing a pile of feces? What kind of heathen bastard would think up such a phrase?! Christ on a crapper, I hope he was ashamed of himself.) While "Holy shit!" is not as versatile as "fuck" or the standalone version of "shit", the presence of the word "Holy" implies that it isn't meant to be. According to Webster_1913, one of the meanings of "holy" is "reserved from common or profane use". "Holy shit" is not like other swear words; it is not meant to be worn out by constant use. We can insert all the fucks and shits into our conversation that we want, but "holy shit" is set apart, goddammit! It is meant to be reserved for an event which demands its usage. It should be savored like a fine wine in the moment after a strange event has occured. Depending on the situation, it can be used in different ways. In the case that something which poses immediate danger to oneself or those nearby has occured: (A family is having a picnic in a park, when a pride of lions comes rushing at them) Mother: These are mighty good sandwiches, if I do say so myself! Father: Yep yep yep! HOLY SHIT! LIONS! RUN! In the case that something really bad has happened: Person 1: Did you hear? California was just eaten by giant worms! Person 2: Holy shit! That's horrible! In the case that someone has said something incredibly stupid: Person 1: Look, after what Saddam Hussein did to the World Trade Center, I don't see how we COULDN'T invade Iraq. Person 2: Wow. Holy shit. Just......wow. Holy fucking shit. When something really disgusting happens: (Dick Cheney is delivering a speech on national TV, when he suddenly strips naked in a frenzy, revealing that he's a hermaphrodite) TV Watcher: Yeah, so I was telling my wife (glances at TV) HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? ARGH! EW...! NO! There are situations where you just can't complete the utterance of "Holy shit". These situations often involve your death, and should be avoided. Ref : http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=Holy%20shit
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根據我的了解不算罵人, 通常用在很意外的情況下, 無法置信的 surprise. 例如你看到乖寶寶在party抽大麻, John McClane把雷管丟下電梯後探頭看 卻被轟上來的火焰嚇到, 或者你以為打死了的終結者又爬起來砍你...
因為我在 youtube 上貼了某個很難發現的影片 有人下了這樣開始的評語,但後面的文字是有讚美的感覺 感謝各位提供資訊的大大們!! ![]()
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既然 架好看 ~ post 一下 URL 分享一下吧 ![]() |
不過我還是貼出來吧!! 1995年 Mr.Children 樂團來台灣出演 AAA 行動抗愛滋與周華健、洪敬堯合唱的『世紀的祕密』 原曲是桑田佳佑在 1994 年寫的由桑田和 Mr.Children 為了公益活動一起發行的單曲 1995年 Mr.Children 第一次來了台灣…其中主唱櫻井和壽在最後唱了二句中文 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzyBDoHkKU8