Godaddy 有抢客户域名的问题吗?
其实平时的域名都是在 Enom 注册的了,只是想做一个自己的个人网站,所以选择其他域名服务商了。本来 Godaddy 是我心中不二选择的,结果听说他有抢客户域名的事件(http://www.threadwatch.org/node/12636 )。我个人的域名并不好,但亦担心此类事件再次发生。
如果真有这种事的话,Godaddy 在小弟心中的地位就要倒塌了。 麻烦是否可以推荐可以托管DNS的域名注册商?是您可以信的过、自己使用的域名注册商。 |
你就信箱寫好,至少你要收得到信 其他資料寫的不要讓別人看出來是亂寫的
這樣就不會有問題了阿 最重要的就是 email 下面是godaddy的回應(網路查到的) Dear Tim, On 12/19/2006 we received a third party complaint of invalid domain contact information in the Whois database for this domain. Whenever we receive a complaint, we are required by ICANN regulations to initiate an investigation as to whether the contact data displaying in the Whois database is valid data or not. If we find that there is invalid or missing data, we contact both the registrant and the account holder and inform them to update the information. The contact information for the domain which displayed in the Whois database was indeed invalid. On 12/19/2006 we sent a notice to you at the admin/tech contact email address and the account email address informing you of invalid data in breach of the domain registration agreement and advising you to update the information or risk cancellation of the domain. The contact information was not updated within the specified period of time and we canceled the domain. The domain has subsequently been purchased by another party. You will need to contact them for any further inquiries regarding the domain. If you find any invalid contact information for this domain, please respond to this email with evidence of the specific contact information you have found to be invalid on the Whois record for the domain name. Examples would be a bounced email or returned postal mail. If you have a bounced email, please attach or forward with your reply or in the case of returned postal mail, scan the returned letter and attach to your email reply or please send it to: Attn: Domain Services 14455 N Hayden Rd Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Thank you, Domain Services 有人說, 為什麼電子信箱是錯誤的就取消擁有人的資格, 難道不能寄實際的信件或是打電話詢問嗎? 只因為電子信箱錯誤, 就取消域名, 這樣是身為ICANN認證過的註冊商所應該有的態度嗎? 我替Godaddy想了一想, (1) 如果電話也是錯的, 如果打給錯的人, 好死不死那個人也懂網域就去改資料了, 那到底誰要付責任, 當信件是錯誤的, 身為註冊商能保證電話就能聯絡到正確的人嗎? (2) 打電話所耗費的人力和資金都比賺那一點點註冊的錢還多了, 划不來, 所以還是寄電子信最方便, 不然如果是國際電話, 對方又不懂英文, 那是不是要請專業翻譯了 ^^ (3) 忽然忘了 ^^