发邮件至riskmgmt@enom.com有一个月的时间,也换邮箱发过,就是没有个回复.打ENOM电话,说让发邮件,发邮件又不回,在support center提交吧,技术解决不了就转给riskmgmt,转了一圈,就不给解决回复.
求助看有没有什么方法可以解决的.拖了一个月了,里面好多域名没法管理. |
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用英文打的电话. 在线提交不顶用的. Hello, We have assigned your request to our Risk Management department to research and get back to you about this issue. Unfortunately technical support does not have access to the details and will not be able to assist you with this matter. You will hear back directly from them just as quickly as possible via this ticket. 无用的这样,现在是一直没收到回复,我也碰上其它被锁定的,也是一直没收到回复. |
Reopen the ticket...
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Sorry for the delay on this. My colleage Andre has been out of the office unexpectedly, and I'm answering some of his tickets until he returns. Unfortunately, I can't resolve this problem for you. Only our risk management team can, so I've forwarded the ticket to them. 今早收到的.看到eNom的行为了吧? 这事就因一员工不在,现在超过一个月,我才收到了一份回复. |