我剛原本想將 nwself.com 網域服務轉移到 registermore.com, 想說在google apps註冊網址時,也是使用eNom的服務, (我要改DNS設定都是進去 access.eNom.com) 誰知道在 access.enom.com 裡找不到授權碼和lock設定, 這下該怎麼做才能改whois資料(尤其是最重要的email)和移轉至registermore呢? 感謝大大的幫忙 orz Whois: http://whois.domaintools.com/nwself.com |
登入到 Google Apps 管理介面,找一下有個Google的技術支援信箱,寫信過去說你要轉移域名至enom或其它註冊公司,信內容填上你在 access.enom.com 域名管理的帳號密碼,他們才會幫你unlock 域名,並傳送轉移碼給你,然後自己push or transfer, Google或是 eNom不會幫你push域名的。
ps: 我還沒成功轉出過,上次寫信要求幫我push一個域名回信的答覆大概就是這樣... 原po如果成功轉出後,麻煩回應一下,感恩! |
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Error: Login ID must be different than the one you are currently logged in to. 好像轉不過去.. orz |
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我下午其實有寫一個問題回報,但那個似乎是丟到google的論壇, 好像沒有可以直接請服務人員處理的.. -- [update] 剛又寫一篇至billing類別,google有寄系統信給我,最慢應該兩個工作天會回覆,到時結果如果再向各位大大報告! 此篇文章於 2008-02-15 06:38 PM 被 NightWind 編輯。 |
Google Apps 管理介面
網域設定->網域名稱->進階DNS設定 網域 : xxxxxxx.com 密碼 : xxxxxxxxxxx eNom 客戶服務電子郵件 : GoogleClients@enom.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 這不就是了??? 登入 DNS 控制台 ^^^^^^^^^ 很好奇你之前是怎麼登入你的域名DNS系統....XD |
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今天有收到google的信,接下來就再寫一封給enom客服囉 ![]() -- Hello Ian, Thanks for your message. The issue you've described is not supported by Google Apps. For advanced management of your domain, you can contact our domain registration partner with the following information: eNom.com support 425-974-4623 This line is dedicated to Google Apps administrators who registered a domain during the signup process. You can find additional contact information in the 'Advanced DNS settings' section of the control panel. To access Advanced DNS settings: 1. Log in to your control panel at https://www.google.com/a/my_domain.com. 2. Click the 'Domain settings' tab at the top of the dashboard. 3. Click on the ‘Domain names’ tab. 4. In the ‘Primary domain’ section, click on ‘Advanced DNS settings.’ You'll be prompted with a username, password, pin number, and support email address for DNS management with one of Google's registration partners. When you access Advanced DNS settings, you'll be directed away from Google, and to the domain registration partner that registered your domain name. Sincerely, Chris The Google Apps Team -- |
看來在請求轉換時若直接附上登入密碼會更快。 -- Hello, To transfer your domain, you're going to need the domain to be unlocked and the authorization code for the domain. I can assist you with both of those if you can give me the domain password that Google supplied you. Or, if you've changed that password, I need your valid, current domain password. Once I have that, valid proof of domain ownership, I can unlock the domain for transfer and supply you with the authorization code. When you registered the domain, Google set up a privacy protect service and I will disable that in order for the transfer to be successful. Also, please be aware that in order to transfer the domain, it needs to be 60 days after registration. This isn't an eNom-specific rule - this is a rule for all registrars set by ICANN. Please e-mail me back with the domain password and I can get started on getting you the information you need. If you don't know your domain password, follow these steps to find it (unless you've updated your password at http://access.enom.com): 1) Go to www.google.com/a 2) Click "Returning User, sign in here" to type in your domain name at the top, change the next box to "manage this domain" and click "go." 3) It will ask you for your Google Apps username and password. Input this information and login. 4) On the next screen, click "Domain settings." 5) After that, click "Domain names." 6) Click the "advanced dns settings" link and your domain with domain password will show up. Regards, deborah | eNom Advanced Domain Support __________________________________ eNom, Inc., a Demand Media company GoogleClients@enom.com -- |