現在Renew要8.99有點小貴,Transfer到name.com或是domainsite.com大多也要7.99 有沒有便宜的消息哩?! |
[img=640,480]http://terracedowns.com/domain_for_sale_bw.jpg?3e3ea140[/img] |
续费: .COM and .NET, Now Just $7.99/yr! Plus, SAVE 20% on every .ORG, .BIZ
优惠代码: gdp1203a 截止日期: December 18, 2008 |
这种单个域名续费的折扣代码不是没有,但有阶段性的。比如曾经.us续费比现在便宜多了。 找找吧,要不实价支付,要么多选购货品。 http://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=9303
Name.VC |
Renew或是優惠價格的域名,這個我有試過了,有時Godaddy會寄出一些優惠,比方說: Dear Ben Lin, The holiday shopping season is here. And that makes NOW a great time to pick up something at GoDaddy.com for yourself, your friends or your family. SAVE 20%* on your order of $65 or more. But this offer expires December 7, 2008 at midnight (Pacific Time), so don't wait — order now! SAVE 20% on your order of $65 or more at Go Daddy!* Pick up something NEW and SAVE! Check out NEW SmartSpace™ to get a personalized Web site instantly. Or choose a NEW hosting plan that offers both unlimited disk space and bandwidth**. Load up your cart and enjoy 20% savings on these items, a new domain name, site builder, email plan and much more. Don't wait! This special weekend sale expires December 7, 2008 at midnight (Pacific Time), so start shopping now! Order online at GoDaddy.com or call 1-480-505-8821 today and use source code gdp1208c when you check out to get your exclusive savings. Thanks as always for being a Go Daddy® customer. 這些都不適用在Renew及己有折扣的註冊域名,即使使用了coupon,也是沒有任何的優惠! 如果有錯請指正,我也好向Godaddy要求退價差 ![]() 引用:
我之前 使用 .com 或是 購買 一定金額優惠的代碼, 在renew也是有效的, 前提是你要在到期日提前(我都一個月以上)續用, 不要等到時間快接近到期日, 被它們先弄個續用優惠給你...這樣子優惠代碼就不能用了... 1. 不要太接近到期日才使用... 因為它會隨便給你一些優惠,造成你無法使用優惠代碼! 例如:8.99 應該就是已經被判定成有優惠過了... 2. 不要一次買6個以上, 6個以上會被判定為大量優惠... 可以嘗試先5個再慢慢的增加購物車內的數量到6個以上試看看... ========= ---.com 7.69美元--- zine3 OYH3 goox3004at EMMA3 | WALK3 | OYH3 | HASH3 | CHILL3 | ZINE3 | CHH3 | ROCK3 cjchea695 ---10% off any purchase (10%)--- TODD SB2006 CHRIS1 gdbb776 EMMA1 | DARK1 | PETE1 | WALK1 | OYH1 | HASH1 | CHILL1 | ZINE1 | ROCK1 | CHH1 | MTECH1 ---$5 off $30 purchase (max 16.6%)--- GEEK USA5 cjccab30 LOL39 OYH2 | HASH2 | CHILL2 | ZINE2 | ROCK2 | CHH2 ---15% off order of $50+ (某些接近40天內到期的域名無效?)--- gdm0802g gdm0802e ---Get $10 off orders of $50 or more Code: (max 20%)--- cjccab50 ---Save 20% off your order of 25 GBP(英鎊) 50 USD or more. (20%) ( 某些接近40天內到期的域名無效?)--- boi2 MTECH2 EMMA2 | DARK2 | PETE2 | WALK2 | MTECH2 ---Save $20 off your order of $75 or more. (max 26.6%)--- CATALOG1 此篇文章於 2008-12-07 08:07 PM 被 liou 編輯。 |
目前 GoDaddy 推出的 .com 新註冊 及 域名移轉入 的最優惠價是 $6.99+0.20=$7.19
www.godaddy.com/gdshop/transfers/landing.asp www.godaddy.com/gdshop/compare/gdcompare_domain.asp?isc=goaz1002aa . 此篇文章於 2008-12-07 11:40 PM 被 domainnext 編輯。 |