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舊 2012-04-19, 04:25 PM
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預設 We don't need arbitrary new TLDs

Tim Berners-Lee: We don't need arbitrary new TLDs

By Olivia Solon18 April 12

Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the web, is "not a fan" of the arbitrary new top level domains (TLDs) that the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is currently offering, he told Wired.co.uk in a press conference at W3C.

He was referring to Icann's application window for brands to bid for the domain name suffix of their choosing from dot brand (for example .pepsi or .HTC) or dot product (.drinks or .horses), which closes on Friday 20 April.

"My personal perspective is that what we need in the domain system is stability," he said. "We don't need new arbitrary new TLDs."

He argued that some people assume that the new generic TLDs are creating great economic benefit but that there are already plenty of TLDs -- including dot org, dot com and dot net -- to choose from. "There's plenty of space," he said. "If you just add one character to the length of the domain name you have 26 times as many names you can choose from. There's no shortage."

For Berners-Lee, the "only role" for a new domain name is "if you are making something that is socially different, such as dot org." He said that dot org was interesting because it captures the fact that you know that any website with that suffix is a non-profit.

"But when it comes to arbitrary new TLDs I am not a big fan." He said that the "idea of having to go out and register my trademarks" in these new spaces does not appeal to him.


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