euhp.com eufv.com 也有貼在dnforum... http://www.dnforum.com/showthread.php?t=62840 不知道這兩個好不好?... 老實說~小弟我英文不佳~ 看不太懂Mr Webname的意思~ 是否可請版友稍微解釋? 謝謝 EUFV I'm struggling with that one There is often an opportunity to make a few $$ with 4-letter .com's, just a matter of finding the right person - are they going to get you a pension? NO! 國外網址還沒賣出過一個~哈哈~ 該好好和站上前輩學學~
台南律師事務所 |
Dear shenghong,
您的一小步,是台灣的一大步!! 英雄, 英雄, 英雄! Vincent Liao |
You reserved it.
My Hero !! |
Dear shengHong大大,
賣鉤害阿啦!! 我是指您的勇氣,像我只敢在 DNforum 外面排迴, 要去跟 SEDO , dnforum 奮鬥了,一個人在老外的家,很寂寞,去奮鬥了! 如果 SEDO沒答案, 只好找 DomainSponsor,Fabulous,TrafficZ別家parking了. Best Regards, Vincent Liao |