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Roundcube 改版至 0.8 之後,換新介面了,感覺越來越好了。有自己架站的可以試試看這個 WebMail 架站程式。
這裡有 Demo 版: http://demo.roundcube.net/mail/ 帳號: demo1@demo.roundcube.net 密碼: demopwd
線上字典 此篇文章於 2012-08-20 12:11 AM 被 mushroom 編輯。 |
原廠的網址:http://www.roundcube.net/ 功能: •Available in over 70 languages •Drag-&-drop message management •Full support for MIME and HTML messages •Sophisticated privacy protection •Compose messages with attachments •Multiple sender identities •Full featured address book with groups and LDAP connectors •Find-as-you-type address book integration •Richtext/HTML message composing •Forwarding messages with attachments •Searching messages and contacts •Threaded message listing •IDNA support •Spell checking •IMAP folder management •Shared/global IMAP folders •Support for external SMTP server •Support for access control lists (ACL) •Built-in caching for fast mailbox access •Unlimited users and messages •Template system for custom skins •Plug-in API for flexible exensions 系統需求: •Apache, Lighttpd (>=1.4.13 for SSL), Cherokee or Hiawatha web server •Directory on the Web server allowed to run scripts •If using Apache, .htaccess support or configuration to override DirectoryIndex •PHP version 5.2.1 or greater with ◦PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions) ◦Session support ◦Socket support ◦MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite database engine ◦iconv (recommended) ◦OpenSSL (recommended) ◦Mbstring (optional) ◦FileInfo (optional) ◦Mcrypt (optional) •php.ini options: ◦memory_limit > 16MB (increase as suitable to support large attachments) ◦file_uploads enabled (for attachment upload features) ◦session.auto_start disabled ◦zend.ze1_compatibility_mode disabled ◦suhosin.session.encrypt disabled ◦mbstring.func_overload disabled ◦magic_quotes_runtime disabled •If using MySQL or PostgreSQL, a database server and database user with permission to create tables ◦If using MySQL 5.0.2 or later, disable STRICT_TRANS_TABLES and STRICT_ALL_TABLES •OpenSSL and Socket modules for PHP required to connect to secure IMAP or IMAPS, for secure SMTP and to use the spell checker ◦Additionally, the CURL module for PHP is required for spell checking with TinyMCE (HTML WYSIWYG Editor). •An IMAP server which supports IMAP 4 rev 1 •An SMTP server (recommended) or PHP configured for mail delivery
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