華盛頓郵報︰New gTLDs 將讓任一域名價值,近乎歸零
Washington Post On New gTLD’s: Brings The Value of Any One Domain Down to Almost Nothing
A very interesting article in the WashingtonPost.com today basically proclaimed the death of the domain investor with a big assist from Sedo. The article cites the growing inventory of domain names from new gTLD;’s saying the parking and type in traffic will be gone and value of any one domain ” down to almost nothing“. The article was chatting about the new gTLD’s and domain investing which they still refer to as cybersquatting saying: “It wouldn’t have been too hard to buy up most of the available addresses, since there are only a couple dozen generic top level domains and a few hundred geographic ones. “But, starting very soon, that’s going to become almost impossible.” “Having thousands of potential top level domains available brings the unique value of any one domain name down to almost nothing” We could register BestSentences.blog, BestSentences.web, BestSentences.home, BestSentences.lol…and on and on. The coming expansion even destroys the revenue potential of “parking” domains before they’re resold, since fewer people will randomly type in .com addresses. That means the end of cybersquatting as we know it. The only domain industry source quoted in the story was Sedo’s Kathy Neilsen who gave less than a ringing endorsement to the resale market for new gTLD;s when she was quoted as saying: “It’s a huge risk for a speculator,” If you’re not averse to risk, and they want to invest in property, that’s their right to do that.” All and all its an interesting read and here is the full story. However we have seen the Sedo which was reporting weekly transaction in the $1.5 + range have for quite a while gone to the $1.2 or so range sometime surpassed by Afternic.com, especially considering that Sedo includes domain names in its report that they just act as escrow agent. www.thedomains.com/2013/06/20/washington-post-on-new-gtlds-brings-the-value-of-any-one-domain-down-to-almost-nothing |
.com 和 单字符 不会 |
仔細想一下當年出現 Domain name 的原因及理由
有沒有因為技術的進步及使用方式的改變,導致原來存在的理由消失 約略就可以猜測出答案 我個人還是持 Domain name 長期正走向消失或 IP 隱形化的方向走
New gTLD 其實在 Domainer 間也只是一般熱 更別提那些一般域名使用者或小型企業 前幾天 ICANN 同意了 .moe 的後綴申請它的使用族群應該就是相關的「萌」行業/產品/社群使用者 但對其他既有的 .com/.com.tw/.com.cn/ 等價值完全消失是不可能的 另外 citi 兄指的也許是像 app 或 QRCode 的這種替代產品 但事實上現在的 domain name 不僅僅只是一個連結工具 它已融入 Brand 的品牌形象與意識,就算可以增加不同 devices 的顧客瀏覽 但品牌的意識卻很難與 Domain name 脫勾
應該是品牌象徵 事業的歷史意義 這些都是無價的