要註 .EC 後綴的 "外國人" 請三思!!!
今天在NIC.EC 上面看到的:
FEES FOR NON-ECUADORIANS The fees for non-Ecuadorians are considered for all the domain names whose Registrant or Administrative Contact is not Ecuadorian or organization registered in Ecuador. To this fees, 12% IVA, Valued Added Tax must be added according to Ecuador Tax Law, including non-Ecuadorians. FEES FOR DOMAIN TRANSFER When a domain is transfered from one Registrant to another, a fee of $100 for Ecuadorians and $150 for non-Ecuadorians will be payable. To this fees, 12% IVA, Valued Added Tax must be added according to Ecuador Tax Law, including non-Ecuadorians. IMPORTANT NOTE ON DOMAINS UNDER .EC For second level domains register directly under .EC, the minimum registration period is two years. The renewal fee for one year is $35 for Ecuadorians and $50 for non-Ecuadorians. ------------------------------------------- 挖哩勒擺明了要搶觀光客! ㄞ! 後悔當初要註以前沒有好好看清楚.... |
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
而且續費竟然比註冊貴那....麼多 真是 |
1 年 50 2 年 84 3 年 105 5 年 165 10年310 只是以前要求一定要兩年,所以註冊時是84。 如果一次續費2年,還是84,跟註冊費一樣,並沒有比較貴,如果續一年就是50。
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
謝謝R大提醒! 看來我真的有點給他不認真看 只看到那個$50頭就暈暈的沒看到"The renewal fee for one year" |