租實體主機,付了錢,卻遲遲不能使用,怎麼辦 ?
本月初向 CalHost.com 租用實體主機三台, 9月9日以 PayPal 支付 $969
但到今天, 十五天過去了, 對方一直沒把我租的主機安裝給我使用 詢問幾次, 都石沉大海, 只在9月19日得到簡短的答覆: We will contcta the Installation team and let you know where we are in the process. I know it seems like a whie ago that you signed up, but do remember we had a fairly good amount of back and forth getting payment arranged. We'll follow-up shortly as soon as they can provide an update (later this morning). 然後就沒消息了 遇到這樣的主機商, 實在氣炸了 ! 我已經不想再等, 也不想再跟他們交易了 請問, 既然他們沒有把主機給我, 那麼我有什麼辦法可以把錢拿回來嗎 ? PayPal 可以協助處理嗎 ? 或者信用卡發卡銀行可以協助處理 ? 敬請有經驗的網友幫忙拿一下主意, 謝謝 ! |
剛看了一下, 向 PayPal 投訴, PayPal 會給賣家十天的時間解釋
X的, 還要再等十天 ! CalHost.com 這種爛公司 ! 要租主機的人, 自己小心 ! 我要租之前, 寫信問一些 pre-order 的問題, 大概十分鐘就收到回覆了 當時嚇了我一跳, 以為這家公司服務這麼好, 所以就決定向他們租 想不到收了錢, 他們的服務就變得這麼差, 寫了五六封信詢問, 總共只收到短短幾句回答 而且還是沒什麼意義的回答 |
paypal的十天對方若未回應,就會直接退錢給你了。 |
租個主機, 十五天都沒辦法安裝好, 這還是第一次遇到, CalHost 實在爛到沒話說 往後大家別被這一家騙了 |
昨天實在越想越氣, 已經有了最壞的打算, 準備錢不想要
於是寫了兩封語氣強硬的信, 一封給 billing, 一封給 manager, 痛罵了一頓 想說如果今早再沒有回應, 我就直接找別家主機商了 結果早上終於收到一封比較讓人舒服一點的回信, 說是前一陣子的颶風打亂了他們: I apologize incredibly for the lack of response. Your business is incredibly appreciated but with the recent hurricanes in the south, some of our staff have become unavailable. These days, I manage the installation team and I have been out sick without access to email. There has been a delay for others as well and to make it up to those who have placed their trust in CalHost, we are providing free upgrades to everyone's servers. Considering you requested only 3 machines, I am going to get you hooked up with 9. Yes, 9 servers - for the same price as 3 and configured exactly how you requested. If you can hold on just a TAD longer to let me get that setup for you, I will have all 10 machines up and running. I really do apologize and this is our way of making it up to you for your enduring patience. Would you be willing to allow us to provide you with 9 servers as our way to thank you for the amount of patience you have extended? If so, things have gone back to normal and you will once again begin receiving regular support just as our normal up-and-running clients do. Give me this afternoon to put this together, triple the number of servers you have with us (for a total of 9). If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to let me know personally and I will respond. You can ALSO contact me on my on-call support line at 916-343-0236. Thanks in advance- holler if you have any questions at all and if you would like all 9 servers setup the same way. 我不知道我有沒有會錯意 ? Yes, 9 servers - for the same price as 3 ... 意思是九台主機算我三台的錢嗎 ? 有這麼好康的事 ? |