但是遇到一個蠻特別的情況, 還是忍不住貼上來跟大家分享一下... 之前我曾在版上提過與一個外國人談買域名的事, 他希望我能幫他買台灣的珍珠項鍊做為交換. 我大概在上個月初透過我的bazaar.info購入一條價值兩千台幣的珍珠項鍊, 之後立刻寄到佛羅里達州給那位先生, 他收到後說他把那個包裹原封不動放在聖誕樹下, 要在聖誕節當天他老婆一個驚喜. 結果... 這幾天接連收到他(還有他老婆)的三封回信, 內容如下: --------------- I want to thank you also for the pearls. They look very lovely on my wife. She could NOT guess what was in the BIG box, so the pearls were a total surprise !! They are exactly the right size and weight for my wife's neck. She only weighs 95lbs, so a single, simple strand of pearls was PERFECT We will chat after the New Year about our development plans for our various domain names. RICHARD -------------- Thank you very much for the very nice pearl necklace. It's a surprise christmas gift! Have a happy holidays! Mary Ann ----------------- Going out to a dinner party tonight. My wife (Mary Ann) will look very lovely in her beautiful new pearls. Thank You. Richard 覺得藉由這種方式交到外國朋友還蠻有趣的.
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